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God's Law and Civil Reformation

King Alfred the Great

The reformation of the state begins with the renewal of men’s hearts, a work of God’s Spirit. This renewal does not come through revolution, violence, oppression, or the ballot box. This renewal comes through the proclamation of the gospel of the kingdom of God.

When Jesus began building His kingdom, He went everywhere preaching the ‘gospel of the kingdom’ (Mt.4:23). Jesus then sent His disciples out to proclaim the good news of the same kingdom (Mk.16:15). Jesus' method for building His kingdom was its full proclamation to the whole world.

So his disciples went everywhere preaching the message of the King of kings. They taught the whole counsel of the King (Acts 20:27), which was codified in Genesis to Revelation. They proclaimed the good news that King Jesus sits enthroned at the right hand of His Father and His royal authority extends over all the kingdoms of this world (Rev.11:15).

Thus, God's word and Spirit overthrew the polytheistic Roman Empire establishing decentralized Christian kingdoms throughout Europe. God's Spirit working through the proclamation of the whole gospel of the kingdom built what became known as Christendom.

An important part of that gospel of the kingdom has been dismissed in our day...the law of the King. People have forgotten that those who follow the King must obey His decrees. His wise law is particularly important for the ruler, whose primary duty is the administration of justice (Pr.8:15). The ruler is God’s minister, an avenger who executes God’s wrath on criminals (Rom.13:4), so in order to do justice, a ruler must know the just laws of the King. He must know what acts are crimes and the just penalties for those crimes.

If the ruler does not know what God calls a crime and how to justly punish it, he cannot properly bear the sword against the evil-doer. He may even devise evil by law (Ps. 94:20), or become a terror to the good rather than the wicked (Rom.13:3). Since it is essential for a just ruler to know God's law, God required the king of Israel to write out his own copy of the law and to rule in accord with that law (Dt. 17:18-20). The ruler who wants to do justice must hear and embrace all the gospel of the kingdom, including the just law of the King.

The great reformation of state under King Josiah began in this very way. The Book of the Law was discovered in the temple and when Josiah heard it, he took God’s word to heart and began to establish justice in the land.

A similar pattern is found throughout church history. The reformation under Alfred the Great included a return to the law of God. Alfred’s Book of Judgments began with the 10 commandments and extensively quoted the case laws of the Pentateuch. True justice was served, and the state was reformed according to the Scriptures.

In every age, there are barriers to the reformation of the state. Though Christ is the great King and His law is holy, just, and good (Rom.7:12), people under the dominion of sin oppose His kingdom. It is not surprising that unbelievers are at enmity with God and refuse to submit to His rule (Rom.8:7). But it is distressing when those who profess Christ as Lord refuse to acknowledge His authority over the kings of this world (Rev.1:5).

Government education and propaganda has deceived Christians into preferring a pluralistic state that pretends religious neutrality to a Christian state that acknowledges the reign of Jesus Christ (Ps.2). Ironically, modern Christians advocate the same polytheistic view of the state that eventually required Rome to murder the early Christian martyrs. Roman polytheism could not tolerate the Christian's proclamation of the universal Kingdom of God. Thus, the martyrs in the Colosseum.

Contrary to all polytheism (ancient and modern), Christ is King of heaven and earth (Mt.28:18). Christians must proclaim Him as such. Too many have become like the Jews of old. They do not want Jesus to rule over them (Lk. 19:14); they’ll have no king but Caesar (Jn. 19:15). Thus, modern 'polytheistic Christians' dishonor their King!

If, however, God again pours out His Spirit and the whole gospel of the kingdom is proclaimed in our land, including the good news of His just laws, the reformation of the state becomes possible. If we say with Isaiah, “The Lord is our Judge, The Lord is our Lawgiver, the Lord is our King; He will save us,” (Is.33:22) then Jesus, the only Savior of the state may bring us under His scepter’s sway (Heb.1:8). Our rulers may once again establish justice and liberty.

I offer one simple example of how Christ’s law is superior to our state’s laws. The Law of God requires a convicted thief to pay two-fold to five-fold restitution to his victim (Ex.20:1-4). If the thief cannot pay the restitution, he is sold into indentured servitude until he pays full restitution to the one he has robbed. Thus the victim is given justice.

In contrast, our modern system puts the convicted thief in prison where he is kept at tax-payers’ expense. So the person who was robbed pays taxes to support the one who robbed him, suffering two injustices. The rulers of our land need to hear the good news of the kingdom of God, particularly the good news of the just law of the King.

So how can we contribute to the reformation of the state? First, we must repent and believe the good news of the kingdom of God…all the good news, including His just laws (Mk.1:15). Second, we must proclaim the good news of Christ’s universal reign to our rulers…teaching them to apply the law of God in our own states. Third, we must ask the Holy Spirit to change the hearts of the people to elect rulers who allow us to live quiet, peaceable lives in all godliness (1 Tim. 2:1-2). The good life is found under the scepter of our benevolent King.


"O beautiful for pilgrim feet, Whose stern, impassioned stress A thoroughfare for freedom beat Across the wilderness! America! America! God mend thine every flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law!"

('America the Beautiful' 2nd verse)

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