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Rationing Healthcare is Inevitable

Given the nature of the world, healthcare will always be rationed. Skilled doctors are limited in number. Medical supplies and resources are not boundless. Since the medical resources of the world are finite, and the desire for healthcare is limitless, scarcity makes rationing inevitable. The question is not whether medical resources will be rationed, but how these limited healthcare resources will be rationed. Will healthcare be rationed justly or unjustly?

Rationing in a Free Market

In a free market, the health care resources are 'rationed' to those who can afford to pay the doctor for his services or to those who receive charity. If someone wants health care, he can earn the money to pay for the procedure, or he can find charitable doctors, friends, family members, or organizations to help him pay for the care. In a free market, people acquire healthcare by the just means of paying with hard earned cash or paying with freely given charity.

Rationing in a Socialist System

In a socialist system, state bureaucrats take control of healthcare resources and distribute them to their favored beneficiaries. The state forces doctors, investors, and taxpayers to provide healthcare to those the state deems worthy recipients. Thus, an unjust means of rationing healthcare (state theft and bureaucratic redistribution) replaces the just means of hard work and real charity.

How can we justly distribute earth's resources?

God says the best way to distribute the bounty of the earth is to allow people to freely buy and sell their private property, a voluntary exchange without coercion. He ordered this by one simple command: 'Thou shalt not steal.' This command protects private property and forbids theft. Property must be exchanged voluntarily without coercion. He also requires work and charity: "Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need." (Eph. 4:28) So by voluntary exchange between buyers and sellers or by receiving voluntary charity people justly acquire the goods of this earth.

The Socialist System encourages theft, laziness, and greed

Socialism is really a grand scheme of state theft. The civil government takes wealth from people by force (don't pay your taxes to make the force manifest) and distributes that wealth to other people. This is legalized theft. In this system, people are not encouraged to work (profits will be taken), but rather to find a way to receive the government's distribution (i.e. get on the dole). The socialist state unjustly steals private property in order to subsidize greed and laziness.

God's Market requires justice, diligence, and generosity

A God honoring marketplace forbids theft (state or private) and requires a man to work if he wants some of the earth's bounty. If he can work and refuses, then he does not eat. (2 Thess. 3:10) A godly market also discourages greed, 'Thou shall not covet,' and encourages voluntary charity, 'You shall open your hand wide to your brother, to your poor and your needy, in your land.' (Dt.15:11) In God's order, the state's sword is pointed at the thief, not the hardworking citizen. Justice is preserved. Greed is scorned, while industry and generosity are encouraged.

Objection: A Free Market cannot take away man's Greed!

I agree completely. The free market is no remedy for greed. The difference between the two systems is the effect on the greedy man. The free market forces the greedy man to provide goods and services for others in order to get the money his greedy heart desires. The socialist system encourages the greedy man to convince politicians to steal from wealthy members of society and give him his ‘fair share.’

A just and free market encourages the greedy man to hard work and wise management. The socialist system encourages the greedy man to enter politics.

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