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The Necessity of Resisting Tolerance

The government schools and modern media unceasingly preach a message of tolerance and diversity. They would like us to think that everybody approves of homosexuality and anyone who dares to condemn it is a dangerous hatemonger. If these ‘dangerous people’ dare to come out of the closet and speak publicly against perversity, the toleristas will make them suffer for this diversity of opinion (See Trailer for Free Speech Apocalypse).

The message is clear: those who are intolerant of perversity will not be tolerated. Thus, many Christians have been silenced and live in fear, hiding their views. Christians, however, must valiantly resist this intolerant culture of intimidation and bullying.

If cowardly Christians refuse to speak the truth to this perverse and adulterous generation, we will share in their final condemnation. “The cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death” (Rev.21:8). Note that cowards will swim in the same lake as the sexually immoral. Christians must be courageous or perish.

One might object, "Can't we just avoid the subject? The battle is too hot on this front, and it may cost me my job." Now you don't have to engage in every skirmish that arises. You should act shrewdly and engage God's enemies in strategic ways, but if you in principle run from this fight, you are a coward and in danger.

If a soldier slinks off to the west gate while the enemy attacks the east gate, he is a coward and is only pretending to aid in the defense of the city. So the professing Christian who refuses to fight where the battle is hottest is a coward who deserts his post in God's kingdom. Though the battle is hot, you must be bold and courageous, convinced the lake of fire is much hotter.

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