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The Evolutionist's Leaps of Faith

The faith of the evolutionist is incredible. Apart from any scientific evidence, he believes some of the most amazing things. First of all, he believes that the order and complex design found throughout the universe arose out of non-ordered matter. Random chaotic matter over billions of years came together, without any intelligent guidance, resulting in the complex designs that characterize all the animals of the earth. He believes order can come from non-order, and all by chance!

Second, the evolutionist believes that intelligence sprang from non-intelligence. Unintelligent organisms living in a primordial blob eventually became complex organisms with the intelligence to design computers like the one on which I am typing. He believes all life began with a single-celled organism which by divisions and random mutations eventually resulted in an intelligent human being. Intelligence arose from non-intelligence—amazing faith.

Third, after the organisms acquired intelligence, they began to speak. Inarticulate creatures began to speak in languages, with grammars so complex that most of us don’t understand them, even after years of grammar classes. Of course the evolutionist says this all took billions of years, which makes it much more reasonable, right? Given enough time and chance, anything is possible. Is that supposed to be science?

Fourth, the evolutionist believes that these intelligent, linguistically-sophisticated, non-moral beings became moral humans. A moral order arose from non-moral organisms. Organisms that killed and ate one another without any moral qualms determined, as self-conscious beings, that killing one another was murder and eating one another was cannibalism. They labeled these acts immoral. Thus, morality arose from non-morality.

The scientist is expected to believe all these things without a shred of scientific evidence. He has never observed these things in a laboratory. No definitive experiments will lead him to these conclusions. The fossil record lends no support for these transitions. How could it? What would a fossil transition from non-intelligence to intelligence look like?

In contrast to the amazing faith of the evolutionist, the Christian looks like an absolute rationalist. The incredible design that we see in the universe, from the distant galaxies to microscopic DNA did not arise out of random chaos, but was and is the work of the Triune God, who ordered and sustains everything we see.

Human beings are intelligent and articulate because they are created in the image of God, who knows all things and spoke the world into being. Men and women are moral creatures, because God created a moral universe, where good and evil are absolutely real, not just human inventions. The Christian admits that he receives all these things by faith. He trusts the revelation of God in the Bible to give an accurate account of the universe’s origins.

The evolutionist appears to be a little reluctant to profess his faith, but that doesn’t change the fact that his worldview is founded upon amazing leaps of faith.

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